dimanche 4 août 2013


C'est quoi une "Cute Sexy Girl" ?
Une nouvelle rubrique ?
Non, non...
C'est juste que j'ai retrouvé cette vidéo de 2003 et que je la trouve super mimi et sexy Alizée.  Même si elle en a marre et que les courgettes ça la fait vomir sous la couette...

Aaaah.... Le poisson rouge  sur la fesse, ça fait toute la différence pour mettre en valeur le déhanché.  Vous trouvez pas ?

J'ai la peau douce
Dans mon bain de mousse...
Je bulle à l'ombre des bombes...
Je fainéante

I'm fed up

I have soft skin
In my bubble bath
I splash a little
I laugh...
My red goldfish swims
In my bubble bath
I wrap him tenderly. I ...
tell him
I don't have any problems
I lay around
No troubles, I lay around.
In the water I bathe
It's important
Completely content, lost in time

I have soft skin
In my bubble bath
I lay in the shadow
of bombs.

Everything is delicious (right here...)
mildly offensive (oh yes...)
I make a list,
of the things,
that irritates me.

I'm fed up with people that whine,
people who only go two kph,
those who are obsessed on a fixed idea.

I'm fed up with those who rant,
single-minded extremists,
who only se the negative,
lead me on like hypocrites.

I'm fed up with my big sister,
who whines and cries about everything.
fed up with the rain with courgettes
that makes me throw up under the covers.

I'm fed up with these cynics,
meadows of autumn flowers.

I'm fed up with being fed up,
... as well !

I have soft skin
In my bubble bath
no tremors that are... seismic.

I relax... (right here...)
and refresh myself... (oh yes...)
It's my aquatic state.

Getting there can be tricky!

I'm fed up with people that whine,
people who only go two kph,

those who are obsessed on a fixed idea.

I'm fed up with those who rant,
single-minded extremists,
who only se the negative,
lead me on like hypocrites.

I'm fed up with my big sister,
who whines and cries about everything.
fed up with the rain with courgettes
that makes me throw up under the covers.

I'm fed up with these cynics,
meadows of autumn flowers.

I'm fed up with being fed up,
... as well !
Bada bada badam,
Bada bada badam, 
Bada bada badam,  


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Voilà : c'est fait.
Et un gros MERCI !!!!